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How To Choose The Right Hair Color For Your Skin Tone


We've all been there - scrolling through Instagram and seeing a celebrity with a stunning hair color that we just have to try. But before you rush to your hairstylist, it's important to consider how that hair color will look on your skin tone. Choosing the right hair color can be tricky, but when done correctly, it can make you look and feel amazing.

Choosing a hair color is not just about following trends or copying your favorite celebrities; it's also about understanding your skin tone and finding colors that complement it. Your skin tone plays an essential role in determining which hair colors will work for you. In this article, we'll guide you through everything you need to know about choosing the right hair color for your skin tone. So whether you have warm, cool, or neutral undertones, keep reading to find out how to choose the perfect hue for your locks!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Undertones are crucial in determining which hair colors will work for you.
  • Warm shades like honey blonde or copper are good for yellow undertones, while ashy shades like platinum blonde or cool brown suit cooler undertones.
  • Proper hair care and maintenance are necessary to maintain the vibrancy of the color.
  • Balayage technique helps create dimension and depth in the hair while avoiding harsh lines or stripes that can make the coloring look unnatural.

Understanding Your Skin Tone

It's important to know your skin tone before choosing a hair color that will flatter you. Undertones explained and color analysis techniques can help determine whether you have a warm, cool or neutral skin tone.

Undertones are the subtle hues beneath the surface of your skin that affect how colors look on you. Warm undertones have yellow, peachy or golden tones while cool undertones have pink, red or blue tones. Neutral undertones are a mix of both warm and cool tones. Color analysis techniques involve looking at the veins in your wrist (blue veins indicate cool undertones while green veins indicate warm), holding up different colored fabrics to see which ones complement your skin best, and using online quizzes that ask questions about your natural coloring.

With this understanding of skin tones, let's move on to choosing hair colors for warm skin tones.

Choosing Hair Colors for Warm Skin Tones

When it comes to choosing hair colors for warm skin tones, there are a few key shades that work best. As someone with a warm skin tone myself, I've found that golden blonde is a great option for those looking for a lighter hue. For those who prefer darker shades, rich browns and auburns can be flattering and enhance the warmth of your complexion.

Golden Blonde

To really make your skin tone pop, try out a golden blonde shade for your hair. This warm and sunny color complements those with warm undertones in their skin, especially those with shades of yellow or gold. If you have naturally dark hair, consider adding some blonde highlights to brighten up your look.

When it comes to maintenance for golden blonde hair, it's important to use products specifically designed for colored hair to maintain the vibrancy of the color. Consider using a purple shampoo to counteract any brassiness that may occur over time. Also, be sure to protect your hair from sun damage by wearing a hat or using a UV protective spray. With proper care and maintenance, golden blonde can truly enhance your natural beauty.

Transitioning into the next section about 'rich brown', another great option for warm skin tones is a rich brown shade.

Rich Brown

For a warm and cozy look, try out a deep, rich brown shade that will complement your golden undertones. This hair color is perfect for those who want to add depth and dimension to their locks. However, it's important to note that choosing the right shade of brown can be tricky as there are many variations available.

To ensure you pick the right shade of brown, consider factors such as your skin tone and eye color. If you have warm-toned skin with hints of gold or yellow, then opt for a warmer brown with red or copper undertones. On the other hand, if you have cool-toned skin with pink or blue undertones, then go for cooler shades of brown like ash or chestnut. Additionally, make sure to take proper hair care and styling tips to maintain your new hue and keep it looking stunning.

Moving onto our next topic about 'auburn,' this reddish-brown hue is another great option for those wanting to experiment with warmer shades while still keeping some red in their hair.


You'll love the warm and fiery tones of auburn hair, with its reddish-brown hues reminiscent of autumn leaves. This shade is perfect for those with warm skin tones, as it complements their natural undertones. If you're considering going auburn, there are some styling tips to keep in mind.

To enhance the richness of your auburn hair, use products that will help maintain its vibrancy. Moisturizing shampoos and conditioners are essential to prevent color fading or dullness. When styling your hair, opt for heat protectant sprays and oils to keep your locks healthy and shiny. You can also play around with different hairstyles that highlight the gorgeous color of your hair - braids, buns, and loose waves are all great options.

As you move towards choosing hair colors for cool skin tones, remember that not all shades will work well for you. It's important to consider both your skin tone and undertones when selecting a new color to avoid looking washed out or too harsh against your complexion.

Choosing Hair Colors for Cool Skin Tones

When it comes to selecting hair colors for cool skin tones, we've found that Platinum Blonde, Ash Brown and Burgundy are great options to explore. These shades look stunning on people with blue or green undertones in their skin, and they complement the natural coolness of their complexion. In particular, Platinum Blonde is a striking choice that can give you a dramatic new look while also emphasizing your cool skin tone.

Platinum Blonde

If you're feeling bold and adventurous, consider going platinum blonde for a look that's as striking as a lightning bolt in the middle of a storm. However, it's important to note that achieving the perfect shade of platinum blonde requires patience and maintenance. This hair color is not for the faint of heart, but with the right care, it can be one of the most stunning looks out there.

To achieve this look, it's best to go to a professional stylist who has experience with platinum blonde hair. They can help you determine which shade will work best for your skin tone and provide tips on how to maintain your new color. It's also important to invest in high-quality products specifically designed for colored hair and limit heat styling tools to prevent damage. With these tips in mind, you'll be rocking this show-stopping look in no time!

Transitioning into our next topic about ash brown, it's worth noting that if you're not quite ready for such an extreme change like platinum blonde, ash brown might be just what you're looking for.

Ash Brown

Achieving the perfect shade of ash brown requires careful consideration and consultation with a professional stylist who can guide you towards the best options for your hair. Ash brown is a cool-toned shade that works well on individuals with fair to medium skin tones. It's a popular choice because it complements almost any eye color and flatters most natural hair colors.

To achieve an ideal ash brown color, many stylists opt for the balayage technique, which involves hand-painting highlights onto the hair for a more natural-looking effect. This technique helps create dimension and depth in the hair while avoiding harsh lines or stripes that can make the coloring look unnatural. Maintenance tips include using sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners to help maintain your color's vibrancy. Regular trims are also necessary to avoid split ends, which can dull your overall appearance.

As we move onto discussing burgundy, it's worth noting that this rich red hue offers another great option for those looking to experiment with their hair color.


Get ready to turn heads with a bold and vivacious burgundy shade that will make you feel like the queen of the night. Burgundy is a rich, dark red color with hints of purple that can complement warm and cool skin tones alike. It's perfect for those who want to add some drama to their hair without going too far out of their comfort zone.

When it comes to styling options, burgundy pairs well with other deep hues like navy blue, emerald green, and even black. For a more subtle look, try adding in some burgundy highlights or ombre ends. This color also looks great when styled in loose waves or sleek straight locks. Overall, burgundy is a versatile shade that can be customized to fit your personal style preferences.

As we move on to choosing hair colors for neutral skin tones, keep in mind that finding the right hue is all about balance. We'll discuss how to achieve this in our next section.

Choosing Hair Colors for Neutral Skin Tones

Looking for the perfect hair color to complement your neutral skin tone? As someone with a neutral skin tone, you have the advantage of being able to pull off a variety of hair colors. Here are 3 things you should consider when choosing a hair color:

  1. Undertones: Although neutral skin tones don't have any obvious undertones, it's important to pay attention to subtle undertones in your skin. For example, if you have yellow undertones, warm shades like honey blonde or copper would be great options. If you have cooler undertones, ashier shades like platinum blonde or cool brown would suit you better.

  2. Hair Color Trends: Keep up with hair color trends! This will help you find inspiration and discover new colors that could complement your skin tone well.

  3. Hair Dye Application: It's important to choose the right type of dye application method for your hair texture and length. For example, balayage is great for longer hair while ombre is perfect for shorter hairstyles.

When it comes to maintaining your new hair color, there are several tips you should know about.

Tips for Maintaining Your New Hair Color

To keep your new hair color looking vibrant, don't forget to use color-safe shampoo and conditioner regularly - even if you think it's an unnecessary expense. Color protection is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your hair after dyeing it. Regular shampoos and conditioners can strip away the color and leave your hair dull and lifeless.

Post dye hair care is just as important as choosing the right hair color for your skin tone. Using a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner can help preserve the vibrancy of your hair color while also keeping it healthy. Additionally, incorporating a deep conditioning treatment once a week can help nourish and restore moisture to your locks. Check out this table below for some recommended products for color protection:

Olaplex Hair Perfector No. 3Repairs damaged bonds in hair, strengthens strands, improves texture$28
Redken Color Extend Magnetics Shampoo & ConditionerGently cleanses while providing maximum vibrancy protection for all types of colored hair$30 (for both)
Moroccanoil Treatment LightNourishes, detangles, protects against heat styling damage & environmental factors, adds shine$44

Choosing the right post-dye care routine doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. With these tips and product recommendations, you'll be able to maintain beautiful, healthy-looking colored locks that will turn heads wherever you go!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I dye my hair a completely opposite color from my skin tone?

Yes, we can experiment with hair color that is completely opposite to our skin tone. However, it's important to consider the maintenance and potential damage to hair. Seek professional advice and do a strand test first.

Is it necessary to go to a professional hair colorist to choose the right hair color for my skin tone?

Choosing the right hair color for our skin tone can be a daunting task, but with DIY hair color and online resources, it's possible. However, for best results and minimal damage, a professional color consultation is recommended.

Can I dye my hair a different color based on the season?

Yes, we can dye our hair a different color based on the season. Seasonal hair colors work with our skin undertones to enhance our natural beauty. Consult with a professional for best results.

Can I use at-home hair coloring products for my skin tone?

When choosing shades, we should consider our skin tone to avoid mistakes. At-home hair coloring products can be used for any skin tone, but it's important to follow instructions carefully and do a patch test beforehand.

How long should I wait before coloring my hair again?

When it comes to coloring frequency, we recommend waiting at least four to six weeks between treatments. This allows time for your hair to recover and maintain its health. Over-coloring can damage hair, so take the time to give it a break.


Well folks, we've come to the end of our hair color journey. Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how to choose the right hair color for your skin tone. But let's be real, it's not like any of us are going to follow these rules perfectly. We'll probably still dye our hair pink because we saw it on Instagram and thought it looked cool.

But hey, that's what makes us human! Sometimes we just need to break the rules and do something crazy with our hair. And who knows, maybe that pink hair will look amazing against your warm skin tone after all. So go ahead and experiment with different colors – just don't forget to take care of your locks along the way!