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Understanding The Natural Hair Journey And Its Stages


The natural hair journey is an important one! It's a process of learning to care for and embrace your curls, kinks, waves or coils. As a hair care specialist, I can tell you that understanding the stages of this journey will help you get the most out of it – both in terms of styling options and overall health. In this article, I'll break down each stage so you have all the information you need to move through them confidently. Let's dive in!

Table of Contents

Prepping Your Hair For The Natural Hair Journey

Preparing your hair for the natural hair journey can be an intimidating prospect, but it doesn't have to be a daunting task. Taking things one step at a time is key - after all, Rome wasn't built in a day! It's important to start by understanding the basics of maintaining healthy hair and assessing where you currently stand on your own individualized hair journey. Retaining moisture is essential when transitioning from chemically treated or heat styled hair to natural hair. Protective styling is also beneficial; this includes low-manipulation styles such as twists, braids and buns that help protect vulnerable strands from damage due to excessive brushing, combing or styling. Deep conditioning regularly with hydrating treatments will help replenish lost moisture which will restore strength and shine. With regular maintenance and a little patience, you'll soon find yourself well on your way towards embracing beautiful healthy curls. So let's get started!

Identifying Your Hair Type

Let's start by determining your hair texture - this will help you move forward in your natural hair journey. We'll also analyze your hair porosity and density, as well as examine the curl pattern. Understanding your hair shrinkage is also key, as well as evaluating your hair elasticity, growth, thickness, frizz, shine, moisture, damage, coarseness, oiliness, and length.

Determining Hair Texture

Are you unsure as to what type of hair texture you have? Don't worry, it's a common struggle for many curlies! But never fear - understanding your unique mane can be made easier with the right steps and knowledge. Let's discuss how to identify your hair type by determining its texture.

The best way to start is by examining two key factors: porosity testing and hair breakage. Porosity refers to the ability of your strands to absorb moisture; this is an essential part in retaining length because hydrated locks are less prone to breakage. To test for porosity, simply wet a strand of your hair and observe if it floats or sinks in water - if it sinks easily then you most likely have low porosity hair - that means it doesn't absorb product or moisture very well but retains moisture better than high porosity hair which tends to float on top. Furthermore, assessing whether or not your mane experiences regular breakage should also help determine its texture; when one notices excessive splitting ends, their tresses may require more protein-based products like deep conditioners and masks as opposed to those with thicker textures who need heavier hydrating treatments instead.

With these tips in mind, identifying your unique curl pattern has never been simpler! All you need now is some patience and lots of love while taking care of those beautiful curls!

Analyzing Hair Porosity

So now that you have a basic understanding of texture and breakage, let's move on to the next step in identifying your hair type: analyzing porosity. This is important because it helps determine what kind of products are best for your hair - those with low porosity need lightweight conditioning treatments while high porosity strands require heavier hydrators like creams and oils. To test this factor, simply take a strand of clean, dry hair and place it in a bowl or cup filled with water; if it sinks then you most likely have low porosity locks, but if it floats then your mane has higher levels of absorption. Additionally, reading labels carefully when buying new haircare items is key in determining specific needs as they can provide helpful ingredients lists that match up to different types of textures. So don't be afraid to experiment with different formulas until you find the right one!

Selecting The Right Hair Care Products

Selecting the right hair care products is an important part of maintaining healthy natural hair. It's not just about finding the most expensive or trendiest product on the market, but rather understanding your specific needs and identifying which products will best meet them. Moisturizing techniques should be at the top of your list when choosing a hair care routine as they'll help to prevent breakage and keep your curls strong and healthy. A good moisturizer can make all the difference in keeping your strands hydrated so look for one that has ingredients like shea butter, aloe vera, coconut oil, or other emollients that are known for their hydrating properties.

When selecting conditioners, you want to find something with nourishing oils such as argan, jojoba, avocado oil and/or protein-rich ingredients like keratin that will coat each strand from root to tip and strengthen it from within. Avoid any heavy creams or thick lotions as these may leave residue behind making it difficult to style afterwards. Additionally, opt for lightweight formulas that won't weigh down thin textures leaving them limp and lifeless.

It's also important to understand what type of styling tools work best with your particular texture - think wide tooth combs instead of brushes if you have curly hair - as this too can contribute greatly to how long your style lasts and how much damage occurs along the way. The ideal goal is always to apply minimal heat whenever possible while ensuring proper protection with heat protectant sprays beforehand. With careful consideration, planning ahead and doing some research into what works best for you specifically; there's no reason why you shouldn't enjoy great results from start to finish!

Styling Your Hair With Natural Techniques

Hey everyone, let's talk about protective styling and moisturizing techniques! Protective styling can help you maintain the health of your natural hair while also giving you the freedom to switch up your look. Moisturizing techniques can help ensure your hair is hydrated and healthy, which is key to maintaining its natural texture and shine. Let's chat about how to incorporate these two elements into your natural hair journey!

Protective Styling

Protective styling is an essential part of any natural hair journey. It's a great way to maintain your look and minimize breakage while also helping you build length. Managing breakage can be hard, but protective styles are one way to make sure that the integrity of your hair isn't compromised by excessive handling or manipulation. I recommend braiding, twists, cornrows, buns and ponytails as effective ways to protect your strands from daily wear-and-tear. Not only do these styles keep ends tucked away so they don't cause split ends but they prevent tangles which can lead to more severe breakage. In addition to this, wearing these hairstyles often gives you time between washes which allows for hydration and proper conditioning – both things that promote healthy growth and help you reach your desired length goal! The key here is consistency: Protective styling doesn't work if it's not done regularly - so try to stick with it in order to see results!

Moisturizing Techniques

Now that we've discussed protective styling, let's move on to moisturizing techniques. Moisturization is an important part of any beauty routine, especially when it comes to natural hair care! Deep conditioning is a great way to keep your strands hydrated and healthy-looking. It helps strengthen the roots and provides extra nourishment for your scalp and tresses. You can use deep conditioners in conjunction with protective styles too - this will help ensure that you're keeping their moisture locked in while also avoiding damage from styling products or heat tools. Additionally, using leave-in conditioners as well as oil treatments can really give your curls and coils some much needed love! Don't forget about sealing either - after shampooing, apply sealants like shea butter or jojoba oil to lock in all the moisture and protect against frizz. Finally, always make sure you're taking into account what type of climate you live in; if it's humid out then take extra precautions such as changing up your hairstyle more often or adding extra oils to maintain shine and definition!

Maintaining Healthy Hair Habits

Many people feel overwhelmed when they first embark on their natural hair journey. After all, there's so much to learn and it can be difficult to know where to start! But don't let this discourage you; maintaining healthy hair habits is the best way to ensure that your curls stay happy and strong:

  1. Embrace changes: Natural hair requires diligent care and attention, but don't forget to enjoy the process too! Be open-minded and experiment with different products and hairstyles. Your mane will thank you in the long run if you are willing to try something new every now and then.

  2. Protective styling: When done correctly, protective styling not only looks great but also helps protect your strands from damage caused by everyday wear and tear, such as brushing or combing. This includes styles like buns, braids, weaves, wigs – whatever works for you!

  3. Regular trims: Trimming away split ends may seem counterintuitive since growing out your locks is a primary goal for many naturals. However, regular haircuts help keep your strands looking neat and tidy while preventing further breakage of already damaged areas.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way towards achieving beautiful, healthy natural hair - no matter where you're starting from!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Wash My Hair?

When it comes to how often you should wash your hair, the answer is actually quite simple. Generally speaking, you should aim for washing your hair once a week or less. However, this can vary depending on your own individual needs and preferences - some may need to wash more frequently than others. Make sure that when you do wash your hair, you're also taking the time to deep condition and take care of your scalp as well. This will ensure that you're able to keep your natural locks healthy and strong over time.

How Do I Deal With Tangles In My Hair?

Nearly 80% of natural hair owners experience tangles in their hair, which can be difficult to manage. The best way to tackle the problem is implementing a deep conditioning routine and using heat protectants when styling with heat tools. This combination will help repair damaged strands and keep your scalp healthy. It's also important to use wide-toothed combs and detangling sprays so that you're able to easily separate knots without causing breakage or damage. By taking these steps, you'll start seeing smoother results over time!

What Should I Do If My Hair Begins To Break?

If your hair begins to break, it's important that you take the necessary steps to prevent further damage. Moisturizing is key in this situation- try using a hydrating shampoo and conditioner to help keep your locks healthy and hydrated. Consider adding a protein treatment as well - this can help strengthen strands and reduce breakage. Remember, if your hair isn't properly cared for, it won't look its best!

How Can I Protect My Hair From The Sun?

"Protecting your hair from the sun's rays is essential if you want to maintain healthy, luscious locks. Shield it like an umbrella- a figurative one of course! Sunscreen protection and heat styling can be used to create a protective barrier against UV damage, which often leads to split ends or breakage. For added insurance, always try to wear hats or scarves when outdoors for extended periods of time; this way you'll ensure that your tresses stay shiny and strong all year round."

What Is The Best Way To Detangle My Hair?

When it comes to detangling your natural hair, the key is to use a moisturizing technique that will help reduce breakage and give you great results. Start by making sure your hair is saturated with water or conditioner before attempting to comb through it; this helps soften the strands and make them easier to manage. Next, use a wide-toothed comb in sections, starting at the ends of each section and working your way up. Make sure not to pull too hard on tangles as this can cause extra damage to the strand. Protective styling (such as braids or buns) can also be beneficial when trying to keep knots from forming in between wash days.


It's important to remember that the natural hair journey is unique for everyone, and it can take some trial and error before you find what works best for your own locks. With patience and proper care, however, you will be able to get the most out of this rewarding experience.

One key piece of advice I have is to never give up! Everyone has their ups and downs when caring for their hair, but if you stay on top of it and keep trying new things, eventually you'll hit the jackpot. Taking care of natural hair may seem overwhelming at first, but don't let that discourage you - with a bit of effort and dedication you'll soon be feeling like a million bucks about your mane!