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The Dos And Donts Of Coloring Natural Hair


As the saying goes, "a change is as good as a holiday." And what better way to switch things up than by coloring your natural hair? But before you grab that box of dye or book an appointment with your stylist, there are some important dos and don'ts to keep in mind. Trust us, we've learned from experience.

First and foremost, it's crucial to consult with a professional stylist before making any drastic changes to your hair. They can not only advise on the best color options for your skin tone and hair type but also ensure that the coloring process is done correctly without damaging your locks. In this article, we'll dive into more dos and don'ts of coloring natural hair so that you can achieve the look you desire without compromising the health of your tresses.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Consult with a professional stylist before coloring and find someone who specializes in natural hair
  • Use products specifically designed for natural hair and avoid harsh chemicals to protect your hair
  • Choose a color that complements your skin tone and consider factors such as hair porosity and type of dye
  • Use gentle products for colored natural hair, deep condition regularly, and avoid heat styling tools to maintain the health and vibrancy of your hair.

Consult with a Professional Stylist

Before coloring your natural hair, it's essential to consult with a professional stylist who can guide you through the dos and don'ts of the process. There are several benefits of consulting with a stylist before coloring your hair. First, they can help you identify the best color options for your hair type and complexion. They will also advise you on what products to use before and after coloring to maintain healthy hair.

Finding a stylist who specializes in natural hair is crucial. Not all stylists are trained to work with natural hair textures and may not be familiar with the unique needs of your hair. A professional stylist will have experience working with different types of natural hair, which means they can offer personalized advice tailored to your specific needs. With their expertise, you'll be able to achieve vibrant color while keeping your strands healthy and strong. Remember, it's always better to leave coloring natural hair in the hands of professionals rather than risking damage by attempting it yourself without guidance or knowledge.

Using products specifically designed for natural hair is the next step in maintaining beautiful colored locks.

Use Products Specifically Designed for Natural Hair

When it comes to maintaining natural hair, using the right products is crucial. We've learned from experience that avoiding products with harsh chemicals and opting for those made with natural ingredients can make a huge difference in the health of our hair. As someone who has struggled to find the right products for my own natural hair journey, I highly recommend doing your research and investing in quality products specifically designed for your hair type.

Avoid Products with Harsh Chemicals

Steer clear of products with harsh chemicals if you want to maintain the health and integrity of your natural hair. Chemicals like sulfates, parabens, and phthalates found in many hair care products can strip your hair of its natural oils and cause damage over time. Instead, opt for chemical-free alternatives that are gentler on your hair.

Using products with harsh chemicals can have negative effects on not just the appearance but also the overall health of your natural hair. These chemicals can cause breakage, dryness, and irritation to the scalp. In contrast, using natural ingredients in your hair care routine can promote healthy growth and nourish your strands from the inside out. So make sure to choose products with natural ingredients that will help keep your tresses looking their best!

Choose Products with Natural Ingredients

You should consider using hair care products with natural ingredients to promote healthy growth and nourishment. We all know that synthetic ingredients can do more harm than good to our hair. They can cause dryness, breakage, and even scalp irritation. On the other hand, natural ingredients like coconut oil, aloe vera, and shea butter provide numerous benefits for our locks.

Here are some of the benefits of natural ingredients:

  1. They are gentle on the hair and scalp.
  2. They provide moisture and hydration to prevent dryness and breakage.
  3. They contain vitamins and nutrients that promote healthy growth.
  4. They are environmentally friendly.

On the other hand, synthetic ingredients such as sulfates and parabens have harmful effects on our hair by stripping it of its natural oils, causing dullness, frizz, split ends, and even hair loss in severe cases. Therefore, when choosing your hair care products or dyes for coloring your natural hair, always read the labels carefully to avoid harsh chemicals that may damage your locks.

Consider the color and type of dye you want to use before making any decisions about coloring your natural hair.

Consider the Color and Type of Dye

Before coloring our natural hair, we need to consider the type of dye and the color that will work best for us. It's important to test the dye on a small section of hair first to make sure it won't damage or react negatively with our hair type. We also need to choose a color that complements our skin tone, so our new look will enhance our natural beauty.

Test the Dye on a Small Section of Hair First

Make sure to try a small section of hair with the dye first, just in case. This testing procedure can prevent any possible reactions or damage to your natural hair. Here are five things to keep in mind when conducting this test:

  • Choose a small and inconspicuous section of hair for the test.
  • Follow the instructions on the dye package carefully.
  • Leave the dye on for only a fraction of the recommended time, then rinse it off thoroughly.
  • Observe your hair for any signs of adverse reactions such as itching, burning, or breakage.
  • Wait at least 24 hours before proceeding with coloring your entire head of hair.

Testing your dye on a small section of hair is an essential step towards achieving vibrant and healthy-looking colored natural hair. Once you have determined that there are no adverse reactions from the test, you can confidently move forward with choosing a color that complements your skin tone.

Choose a Color that Complements Your Skin Tone

Picking a pigment that perfectly pairs with your complexion can create a polished and put-together appearance. To do this, it's important to understand color theory and skin undertones. Generally speaking, individuals with warm skin undertones (yellow or golden hues) look best with warm hair colors like golden blonde or rich copper. Those with cool undertones (pink or blue hues) should opt for cooler shades of brown or black.

In addition to selecting the right shade based on skin tone, it's also crucial to consider hair porosity before coloring natural hair. Porosity refers to the ability of hair to absorb moisture and chemicals. Highly porous hair absorbs color quickly but may also lose it just as fast, while low porosity strands take longer to dye but hold onto color better. Understanding your hair porosity can help you choose the right dye formula and determine how often you'll need touch-ups in order to maintain your desired shade.

As we move into discussing how to take care of your colored hair, it's important to remember that proper maintenance starts from day one.

Take Care of Your Colored Hair

As we continue to talk about coloring natural hair, it's important to also discuss how to properly care for your colored locks. When it comes to maintaining vibrant color and healthy strands, there are a few key points to keep in mind. Firstly, using a gentle shampoo and conditioner is crucial to avoid stripping the hair of its color or moisture. Secondly, avoiding heat styling tools can prevent further damage and fading. Lastly, deep conditioning regularly can help replenish lost moisture and keep your hair looking shiny and luscious.

Use a Gentle Shampoo and Conditioner

Using a gentle shampoo and conditioner on your natural hair is crucial to maintaining its health and preventing damage from coloring. While it may be tempting to use any regular shampoo or conditioner, it's important to choose products that are specifically designed for colored hair. These products contain ingredients that not only nourish the hair but also protect the color from fading.

One way to ensure that you're using a gentle shampoo and conditioner is by co washing. Co washing involves using only a conditioner to wash your hair instead of traditional shampoo. This method helps to retain moisture in the hair and prevent dryness, which can lead to breakage. Additionally, when choosing a regular shampoo and conditioner, make sure they do not contain sulfates as these can strip the color from your hair. It's also recommended to limit washing your colored hair to two or three times a week, depending on how much oil your scalp produces, as frequent washing can cause fading.

To better understand how often you should be washing your colored natural hair, here is a table outlining the benefits of co-washing versus traditional shampooing methods and the frequency at which you should wash based on different factors:

Co-washingRetains moisture in the hair2-3 times per week for normal/oily scalps; 1-2 times per week for dry scalps
Traditional ShampooingCleanses scalp thoroughly1-2 times per week for normal/oily scalps; every other week for dry scalps

Now that we know how important it is to use gentle products on our colored natural hair and have an idea of how often we should be washing it, let's move onto another crucial tip: avoiding heat styling tools.

Avoid Heat Styling Tools

As we mentioned earlier, using a gentle shampoo and conditioner is crucial when coloring natural hair. But it's not just about the products you use; it's also about how you style your hair after washing it. One of the most important things to remember is to avoid heat styling tools as much as possible.

When you apply heat to your hair, it can cause damage and breakage, which can be especially harmful for color-treated hair. That's why we recommend air-drying your hair instead of using a blow dryer or flat iron. Not only will this help protect your strands from damage, but it will also help preserve the color for longer. If you do need to use heat styling tools, make sure to use a heat protectant spray beforehand and keep the temperature at a low or medium setting.

There are also plenty of alternatives to heat styling that can help achieve similar results without causing damage. For example, try braiding or twisting your damp hair before bed and letting it dry overnight for natural-looking waves in the morning. Or use flexi rods or perm rods to create defined curls without any heat at all. By avoiding excessive heat and exploring these alternatives, you'll be able to maintain healthy, vibrant color in your natural hair for longer periods of time.

Speaking of maintaining healthy locks, another key aspect of keeping colored natural hair looking its best is regular deep conditioning treatments.

Deep Condition Regularly

To keep your locks healthy and vibrant, make sure you regularly deep condition your colored hair. Coloring can lead to dryness and damage, but deep conditioning helps to combat these issues. The benefits of deep conditioning include restoring moisture to the hair shaft, improving elasticity, reducing breakage, and enhancing shine.

So how often should you be deep conditioning? It depends on your hair type and color treatment. For those with severely damaged or processed hair, it's recommended to deep condition once a week. If your hair is relatively healthy or has a less intense color treatment, once every two weeks should suffice. Remember that over-conditioning can also lead to greasy or limp strands, so find the right balance for your specific needs.

Knowing when to seek professional help is crucial in maintaining the health of your colored tresses. It's important to recognize when at-home treatments are not enough and seek out a professional stylist who can give expert advice on how best to care for your unique hair type and color treatment.

Know When to Seek Professional Help

If you're not sure how to effectively color your natural hair, seeking professional help can save you from a potential disaster. Here are four reasons why consulting with a professional is the best option:

  1. Experience: Professional colorists have years of experience and training in coloring techniques and product knowledge, making them better equipped to handle any hair type or texture.

  2. Safety: Chemical treatments can be dangerous when not handled properly, and professionals know which products to use and how to apply them without causing damage.

  3. Quality results: Professionals can achieve precise results that last longer than DIY alternatives, ensuring that your investment in time and money is worthwhile.

  4. Customization: A professional consultation allows for personalized recommendations on the best shade, technique, and maintenance plan for your unique hair needs and preferences.

Overall, while it may seem tempting to save money by trying to color your hair at home, investing in a professional consultation will ultimately lead to safer, higher quality results that are tailored specifically for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I color my natural hair at home without damaging it?

Yes, it is possible to color natural hair at home without damaging it. However, using the best hair coloring techniques and following tips for maintaining healthy colored hair is crucial. Consult a professional or do extensive research before attempting at-home coloring.

How long should I wait before coloring my hair again?

When coloring natural hair, it's important to consider the frequency of coloring and the health of your hair. It's recommended to wait at least 4-6 weeks between colorings to prevent damage and maintain healthy hair.

Are there any natural alternatives to chemical hair dyes?

We've found that herbal hair dyes, like henna alternatives, are great natural options for DIY hair color. These products use natural ingredients and don't contain harsh chemicals, making them a safer option for your hair.

Can I use the same hair care products on colored hair as I did on my natural hair?

For optimal color maintenance, it's important to use hair care products specifically designed for colored hair. Product recommendations include sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners, leave-in treatments, and heat protectants. Avoid harsh chemicals that can strip the color.

What should I do if I experience an allergic reaction to hair dye?

If we experience an allergic reaction to hair dye, it's important to prevent further reactions by immediately washing the affected area with cool water and seeking medical attention. Alternatives to traditional hair dye include henna or vegetable-based dyes.


In conclusion, coloring natural hair can be a fun and exciting way to switch up your look. However, it is important to keep in mind the dos and don'ts of this process. Consulting with a professional stylist before dyeing your hair is crucial as they will guide you on the best options for your hair type and texture.

Using products specifically designed for natural hair will ensure that you maintain healthy strands while achieving your desired color. It's also important to consider the type of dye you use as some chemicals can be harsh on your hair. Taking care of your colored hair by using nourishing products and avoiding excessive heat styling will help maintain its vibrancy.

Remember, if at any point during the coloring process you feel unsure or experience damage to your hair, seek professional help immediately. As the saying goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." By following these tips and being mindful of how you treat your colored locks, you can achieve beautiful results without sacrificing healthy tresses.